Mosquito Control
Mosquitoes are not just an issue during hot summer, they are available throughout the entire year. There are numerous sorts of mosquitoes, both deadly and non-deadly ones, however our mosquito control strategies are ensured to deal with various types of mosquitoes. We protect you from these deadly blood sucking insects.

Bed Bugs Control
Throughout the nation, bed bugs have become a serious problem, Bangalore and the rest of India are no exception. These pests reproduce rapidly and will move around your home during the nighttime hours, using human blood as their food source. Bed bugs are rapidly infesting the residential and commercial dwellings, which needs professional help to get rid of them.
Rodent Control
Rodent are dangerous to human health as they contaminate the food items stored at home and also cause damage to electrical wires, important documents, files etc at home, office or factories. No one likes the presence of rodent at their place as these rats act really nuisance which makes the rodent control mandatory.

Termite Control
Termite are sometimes called "white ants", though they are not closely related to true ants. Termite needs cellulose to survive and they usually live on furnitures made of wood. They feed from inside which makes it difficult to notice their presence at first thereby causing damage to the costly furnitures at your home. We offer effective termite control in any premises.
Cockroach Control
Cockroaches are one of the common pest we can find at any home which enter through openings like cracks, drainage holes etc. Cockroaches are dangerous to health as their droppings contaminate our food intake and water. We provide best cockroach control treatment. Pest Control Gel treatment is best for household crawling pests like cockroaches, ants, spiders, silverfish etc. which is offered to our clients.

Herbal Pest Control
Using materials and oil derived from herbs, we provide natural pest insecticide to treat pests in a eco friendly manner causing no harm to your surroundings. 100% natural solutions and no chemicals are used. Most recommended measure to get rid of pests for people who have infants, diseased people or pets at home. You can opt herbal pest control if you own an organic vegetable garden at home.